Earth is being invaded by an alien race and the only chance humanity stands at defeating the alien invaders lays buried in our past. Journey back in time to exotic lands and uncover an ancient alien super weapon - mankind's survival depends on it.
Mankind has been traveling through a cloud. The sky has been dark ever since the war began. It's time for mankind to end the war before the war puts an end to mankind.
Can you get Firebug to complete all 33 levels while collecting all the jelly beans? New features include improved double-jumping, lift fans, doors and switches.
A Reaper is a black ops agent with stealth capability in which he can use portals to move faster than light. But a team of Reapers has gone rogue, so you must hunt them.
As a bomb expert, your objective is to destroy precise targets. Avoid the guards and use your explosives wisely. Infiltrate the social network giant, take down space center and blow up nuclear plant. ***WARNING: Contains mature languages and themes.
Try to stay alive and survive the testing procedures of Platcore. Your robot is dispensable so there are other robots to play if yours gets destroyed. Keep in mind that the game soundtrack is synced with the Platcore AI.